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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Fiber Reinforced Soil-Cement

Author(s): R. Craig, J. Schuring, W. Costello, and L. Soong

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 105


Appears on pages(s): 119-140

Keywords: ductility; durability; fibers; glass fibers; metal fibers; polypropylene fibers; reinforcing materials; soil cement; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/2067

Date: 12/1/1987

Behavior of soil-cement that has been modified by the addition of fiber reinforcing is investigated. Two different soil mixtures were used--one containing a sand aggregate and the other containing a clayey sand aggregate. Four different types of fibers were examined--straight steel, hooked steel, polypropylene, and fiberglass. All fiber mixtures were evaluated based on a comparison with a control mixture containing no fiber reinforcing. The material properties examined were: 1) compressive strength; 2) splitting tensile strength; 3) shear strength; 4) compressive stress-strain behavior; 5) wet-dry durability; and 6) freeze-thaw durability. Overall, fiberglass reinforcing was found to be most effective in improving the strength properties of the soil-cement. An increase in tensile splitting strength of up to 140 percent was observed. Ductility was greatly enhanced for all the fiber mixtures, as indicated by higher post-peak strengths. Also because of the presence of fibers, the confinement of specimens was improved. For some fiber/soil combinations, increases in compressive strength and shear strength were also observed. The wet-dry and freeze-thaw tests showed that all the fiber types except fiberglass improve the durability of soil-cement. Fiberglass fibers, however, were generally found to be detrimental to durability. In view of substantial increases observed in tensile splitting strength, ductility, durability, and confinement, it is suggested that fiber reinforced soil-cement might be applied in the construction of soil-cement liners for reservoirs and landfills.