International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Influence of the Variation of Cement Source on Hot Weather Concreting

Author(s): G. A. Arenes-Oliva, M. Bergin, and A. M. Zayed

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 209


Appears on pages(s): 593-608

Keywords: admixtures; anhydrite; cement compound composition; compressive strength; gypsum; hemihydrate; hot mixing; setting time; slump loss

DOI: 10.14359/12522

Date: 9/26/2002

The effect of varying cement source fresh and hardened concrete properties is studied under hot weather conditions. For the seven ASTM Type 11 cements studied here, the same mix proportioning was adopted at a mixing temperature of 95 F (35 C) with a constant dosage of water reductiag and air entraining admixtures. Properties of fresh concrete including slump loss over an extended mixing period (EMP) of 90 minutes, air content, and setting times are reported. Also, hardened properties including compressive strength development and rapid chloride permeability test data are reported. Results indicate that the rate of slump loss and setting times are affected by the cement compound composition, calcium sulfate content aad calcium sulfate type. The compressive strength, under hot mixing conditions, is found to be dependent on composition, fineness and morphology of cement compunds.



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