International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Use of Epoxy Compounds With Concrete

Author(s): ACI Committee 503

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 70

Issue: 9

Appears on pages(s): 614-648

Keywords: acid treatment; abrasion resistant coatings: abrasive blasting: (concrete); adhesion; bonding; bridge decks; chemical analysis; chemical attack: concrete construction:concretes: cracking (fracturing) : electrical properties.

DOI: 10.14359/11234

Date: 9/1/1973

Epoxy compounds have found a wide variety of uses in the concrete industry as coatings, grouts, binders, sealants, bonding agents, patchmg matenais, and general adhesives. Properties, uses, preparations, mixtures, application, and handling requirements of epoxy resin systems when applied to and used with concrete and mortar are presented. The adhesiveness of epoxy and its chemical, thermal, and physical properties are given. The modification of the foregoing properties to accommodate given situations is reviewed. Problems encountered in surface preparation are reviewed and procedures and techniques given to insure successful bonding of the epoxy to the other materials. Temperature conditioning of the base material and epoxy compound are outlined. The cleaning and maintaining of equipment is reviewed. Procedures to be followed in the application of epoxy compounds in the several use situations are given. The important factors which insure that the epoxy compound will harden (cure) and therefore perform its function are discussed together with alterations of the hardening rate. The allergenic and toxic nature of epoxies and the chemicals used with them in the industry create a hazard and precautions are detailed throughout the report.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.