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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Filler-Hydrates Adhesion Properties on Cement Paste Strength

Author(s): Xiaowei Ouyang, Peng Gao, Guang Ye, and Klaas van Breugel

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 115

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 437-447

Keywords: adhesion properties; compressive strength; contact area; fillers

DOI: 10.14359/51701923

Date: 5/1/2018

Because the pore plays the primary role in strength development of blended cement paste, the role of filler-hydrates adhesion properties has attracted very little attention. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of filler-hydrates adhesion properties on strength development of cement paste. In this study, the development of compressive strength of portland cement paste and cement paste blended with limestone powder and micronized sand was studied experimentally. Parallel with this experimental study, the contact area in these cement pastes was quantified numerically. The relationship between the measured compressive strength and simulated contact area was then analyzed. With this relationship, the effect of filler-hydrates adhesion properties on strength development of cement paste was quantified. The contact area between hydrating cement particle and micronized sand particle had no contribution to the compressive strength. In contrast, the contact area between the hydrating cement particle and limestone particle had a substantial contribution to the compressive strength.