
ACI produces hundreds of documents dedicated to improving the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of concrete and masonry structures. ACI documents are developed in numerous types and formats.

Technical Committee Documents

What types of technical committee documents are created by ACI?

ACI produces technical committee documents in numerous forms. The format used is primarily based on the intended use of the document and the process by which it was created.

What is an ACI Standard?
Standardization is the most rigorous consensus process used by ACI. It provides the widest input and highest overall quality assurance for a document.
Read more about ACI Standards and the process used to create them »

How can I get involved?
The main purpose of ACI technical committees is to disseminate information through publications within the scope of a committee’s mission.
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The ACI Collection Online

Get digital access to over 300 of the most used ACI technical committee documents with the ACI Collection Online.

Handbooks and Manuals

These large documents typically include resources beyond that of a typical technical committee document. Reference Manuals often include expanded charts, tables, figures, and examples.

Learn More About Handbooks and MANUALS »

Certification Documents

These publications provide resources for program participants preparing for ACI Certification exams. Each package contains the source documents(s) from which the exams are derived, along with study questions, checklists, and information about the ACI Certification program.

Learn More About CERTIFICATION Documents »

Education Documents

These practice-oriented tools are intended to raise the competence level of concrete producers, contractors, technicians, engineers, and others.


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International Concrete Abstracts Portal

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ACI produces two bi-monthly technical journals – the ACI Materials Journal and the ACI Structural Journal. Edited for professional and technical personnel in engineering, construction, design, research, manufacturing, and education, each journal contains technical, archival papers. Journal subscriptions are available as are individual articles from each journal.


Concrete International is the monthly magazine of ACI for professionals interested in concrete. The magazine features articles contributed by industry respected authors on current and developing practices in concrete technology, design, and construction; provides news and information on new products and practices; provides answers to frequently asked questions about concrete design and construction practices; issues updates on ACI news and events; and more.

Symposium Volumes

ACI Symposium Volumes are usually compilations of peer-reviewed papers from a seminar, session or forum at an ACI convention or other conference.

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