Title: On-Demand Course: Seismic Resistance of FRP-Reinforced/Strengthened Concrete Structures

Author(s): Alshamrani, Selmy, Vecchio, Silva

Document Type: Online Learning

Date: December 2024

This session is one of 14 sessions that form the 16th Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-16) Symposium. It is co-sponsored by ACI Committee 440 and the International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC) for the purpose of advancing the understanding and application of FRP composites in civil infrastructure to serve the engineering profession and society. FRPRCS was first held in conjunction with the ACI 1993 Spring convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Since 1993, FRPRCS has evolved into a prestigious and reputable international conference that has been held 15 times including 5 times in conjunction with ACI: British Columbia, Canada (1993); Baltimore (1999); Kansas City (2005); Tampa (2011); and Anaheim (2017). This session will focus on the performance of FRP reinforced or strengthened concrete structures under seismic loadings.