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ACI will bestow its highest honor – ACI Honorary Membership – on the following individuals at the ACI Concrete Convention March 27 – 31, 2022: Bev Garnant Lawrence F. Kahn Luke M. Snell Roberto Stark William E. Rushing, Jr. According to ACI’s Bylaws, “An Honorary Member shall be a person of eminence in the field of the Institute's interest or one who has performed extraordinary meritorious service to the Institute.” ACI is grateful to all its Honorary Members for their extraordinary contributions. Their dedication, leadership, and service to the Institute provide the backbone for continuous advancement within ACI and throughout the greater concrete community. Bev Garnant Bev Garnant receives Honorary Membership “for outstanding contributions and leadership in ACI activities and for working tirelessly to elevate the prominence of concrete contractors in concrete construction” Bev Garnant, FACI, is the Executive Director of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO, USA. She is a member of ACI Committees 134, Concrete Constructability; C640, Craftsman Certification; C641, Decorative Concrete Finisher Certification; and E703, Concrete Construction Practices. She is the former Chair of the ACI Marketing Committee, Construction Liaison Committee, and International Project Awards Committee, serving as Chair of the Gala Subcommittee. Garnant is also a former member of the ACI Board of Direction and previously served on the Strategic Development Council (SDC) Board. She received her BA from Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, USA, in 1972. Garnant became a Fellow of ACI in 2015. Lawrence F. Kahn Lawrence F. Kahn receives Honorary Membership “for his outstanding leadership and technical expertise, and his contributions to ACI guidance on prestressed concrete, corrosion, and repair of concrete structures” Lawrence F. Kahn, FACI, is Professor Emeritus at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. He retired after 39 years at Georgia Tech in 2015 but continues to collaborate on experimental research projects. He is now an affiliated consultant with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GA. He is a current member and past Chair of ACI Committee 364, Rehabilitation; and a member of ACI Committees 546, Repair of Concrete, and 563, Specifications for Repair of Structural Concrete in Buildings. He is also a past Chair of ACI Committee 562, Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, and the ACI Technical Activities Committee; and has served on the ACI Foundation Concrete Research Council and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 441, Reinforced Concrete Columns. He was previously President and Vice President of the ACI Georgia Chapter. Kahn received the 2016 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award and the 2014 ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, and he was elected a Fellow of ACI in 1983. He is also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and The Masonry Society (TMS). His research interests include the durability of prestressed concrete bridge structures and seismic resistance, as well as the repair of structural masonry and concrete. Kahn received his BSCE from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, in 1966; his MSCE from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, in 1967; and his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 1976. Luke M. Snell Luke M. Snell receives Honorary Membership “for his dedication to the educational mission of ACI, his service to seminar programs of ACI Chapters and international organizations, and his work with K-12 and university student competitions that encourage the next generation of concrete professionals” Luke M. Snell is a Concrete Consultant and an Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, USA. He has done extensive consulting work on construction and concrete problems throughout the United States, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Algeria. He has written over 300 articles on concrete, construction materials, and construction education. He has been instrumental in starting ACI chapters in Mongolia, Algeria, and Ethiopia and has worked with China, India, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia to start concrete certification programs. He is a member of ACI Committees 120, History of Concrete; 214, Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to Determine the Strength of Concrete; C630, Construction Inspector Certification; C631, Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector Certification; E702, Designing Concrete Structures; S801, Student Competitions; S802, Teaching Methods and Educational Materials; and S803, Faculty Network. Snell is a past Chair of the ACI Chapter Activities, Educational Activities, and International Advisory Committees; and ACI Committees 120, History of Concrete; 517, Accelerated Curing of Concrete; and E702, Designing Concrete Structures. He also served on the ACI Board of Direction. Snell received the 2015 ACI Certification Award, 2008 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award, 2002 ACI Educational Activities Committee Member of the Year Award, 1997 ACI Chapter Activities Award, and 1995 ACI Joe W. Kelly Award. He was named one of the Ten Most Influential People of the Year in the Concrete Industry by Concrete Construction and Concrete Producer magazines in 2007. Snell’s other awards include an honorary doctorate from Aria University of Sciences and Sustainability (2011) and Construction Laureate of Mongolia (2007). He is a licensed professional engineer in Missouri and Illinois. Roberto Stark Roberto Stark receives Honorary Membership “for his impactful contribution to structural design globally, his notable academic influence, and his sustained engagement in technical activities in Mexico and various countries in Latin America” Roberto Stark, FACI, is the President of Stark + Ortiz, S.C., a consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico, that provides structural design services for urban and infrastructure projects throughout Mexico, Peru, Panama, Spain, Colombia, and Guatemala. He is a member of ACI Committees 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 369, Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation; and 374, Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings, as well as a member of ACI Subcommittee 318-L, International Liaison. He was a member of the ACI Board of Direction for the term 2015-2018. Since 1979, Stark has been a Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico, and was Head of the Graduate Department of Structural Engineering from 1988 to 1992. He has given seminars on different topics related to concrete and seismic design in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, India, Peru, Spain, and the United States. He received the Gabino Barreda Medal for the Highest Academic Achievement in 1981. He received the 2019 ACI Design Award and 2018 ACI Charles S. Whitney Medal. He served as the Mexican delegate on ISO-TC 71 from 2005 to 2012. He received his BS in civil engineering from UNAM, in 1981, and his MS and PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, in 1983 and 1988, respectively. William E. Rushing, Jr. William E. Rushing, Jr. receives Honorary Membership “for his tireless efforts and extraordinary leadership on behalf of ACI, and for his vision of expanding the outreach of ACI through chapter and international activities” William E. Rushing, Jr., FACI, is a Vice President and Manager of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Waldemar S. Nelson & Co., Inc., New Orleans, LA, USA. He has been employed there for 40 years. A Fellow of ACI, he served as ACI President from 2014 to 2015. Rushing serves on the Board of Trustees of the ACI Foundation and Advancing Organizational Excellence (AOE). He is a member of ACI Committees 314, Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings; 351, Foundations for Equipment and Machinery; 376, Concrete Structures for Refrigerated Liquefied Gas Containment; E702, Designing Concrete Structures; and S801, Student Competitions; and ACI Subcommittees 53-A, Concrete International Award; 314-B, Preliminary Design and Economic Impact; 314-D, Design Aids; and 351-A, Foundations for Static Equipment. He chaired the ACI Chapter Activities Committee, the ACI Strategic Plan Task Group, the Task Group on Managing Translations of ACI Products and Services, and the ETC Product Development Committee. He is past Chair of the ACI Financial Advisory Committee and a past member of the Task Group on Communication Platforms for Delivery of Services and Products. Rushing received the 2021 ACI Strategic Advancement Award; 2018 ACI Education Award; 2011 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award; and 2003 ACI Chapter Activities Award. He was inducted into the Louisiana State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Hall of Distinction. A member of the ACI Louisiana Chapter, he previously served on the chapter’s Board of Direction and as its President in 1998. He received the 2010 ACI Louisiana Chapter Distinguished Member Award and the 2004 Chapter’s Activity Award. He received his BS in civil engineering from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, in 1981. He is a licensed professional engineer in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Rushing is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Structural Engineers Institute (SEI). View all ACI Honorary Members. Learn more about ACI’s Honors and Awards.
ACI will bestow its highest honor – ACI Honorary Membership – on the following individuals at the ACI Concrete Convention March 27 – 31, 2022:
According to ACI’s Bylaws, “An Honorary Member shall be a person of eminence in the field of the Institute's interest or one who has performed extraordinary meritorious service to the Institute.”
ACI is grateful to all its Honorary Members for their extraordinary contributions. Their dedication, leadership, and service to the Institute provide the backbone for continuous advancement within ACI and throughout the greater concrete community.
Bev Garnant
Bev Garnant receives Honorary Membership “for outstanding contributions and leadership in ACI activities and for working tirelessly to elevate the prominence of concrete contractors in concrete construction”
Bev Garnant, FACI, is the Executive Director of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO, USA. She is a member of ACI Committees 134, Concrete Constructability; C640, Craftsman Certification; C641, Decorative Concrete Finisher Certification; and E703, Concrete Construction Practices.
She is the former Chair of the ACI Marketing Committee, Construction Liaison Committee, and International Project Awards Committee, serving as Chair of the Gala Subcommittee. Garnant is also a former member of the ACI Board of Direction and previously served on the Strategic Development Council (SDC) Board.
She received her BA from Cornell College, Mount Vernon, IA, USA, in 1972. Garnant became a Fellow of ACI in 2015.
Lawrence F. Kahn
Lawrence F. Kahn receives Honorary Membership “for his outstanding leadership and technical expertise, and his contributions to ACI guidance on prestressed concrete, corrosion, and repair of concrete structures”
Lawrence F. Kahn, FACI, is Professor Emeritus at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. He retired after 39 years at Georgia Tech in 2015 but continues to collaborate on experimental research projects. He is now an affiliated consultant with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GA.
He is a current member and past Chair of ACI Committee 364, Rehabilitation; and a member of ACI Committees 546, Repair of Concrete, and 563, Specifications for Repair of Structural Concrete in Buildings. He is also a past Chair of ACI Committee 562, Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, and the ACI Technical Activities Committee; and has served on the ACI Foundation Concrete Research Council and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 441, Reinforced Concrete Columns. He was previously President and Vice President of the ACI Georgia Chapter.
Kahn received the 2016 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award and the 2014 ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award, and he was elected a Fellow of ACI in 1983. He is also a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and The Masonry Society (TMS). His research interests include the durability of prestressed concrete bridge structures and seismic resistance, as well as the repair of structural masonry and concrete.
Kahn received his BSCE from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, in 1966; his MSCE from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, in 1967; and his PhD in civil engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 1976.
Luke M. Snell
Luke M. Snell receives Honorary Membership “for his dedication to the educational mission of ACI, his service to seminar programs of ACI Chapters and international organizations, and his work with K-12 and university student competitions that encourage the next generation of concrete professionals”
Luke M. Snell is a Concrete Consultant and an Emeritus Professor of Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL, USA. He has done extensive consulting work on construction and concrete problems throughout the United States, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, and Algeria. He has written over 300 articles on concrete, construction materials, and construction education. He has been instrumental in starting ACI chapters in Mongolia, Algeria, and Ethiopia and has worked with China, India, Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia to start concrete certification programs.
He is a member of ACI Committees 120, History of Concrete; 214, Evaluation of Results of Tests Used to Determine the Strength of Concrete; C630, Construction Inspector Certification; C631, Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector Certification; E702, Designing Concrete Structures; S801, Student Competitions; S802, Teaching Methods and Educational Materials; and S803, Faculty Network.
Snell is a past Chair of the ACI Chapter Activities, Educational Activities, and International Advisory Committees; and ACI Committees 120, History of Concrete; 517, Accelerated Curing of Concrete; and E702, Designing Concrete Structures. He also served on the ACI Board of Direction.
Snell received the 2015 ACI Certification Award, 2008 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award, 2002 ACI Educational Activities Committee Member of the Year Award, 1997 ACI Chapter Activities Award, and 1995 ACI Joe W. Kelly Award. He was named one of the Ten Most Influential People of the Year in the Concrete Industry by Concrete Construction and Concrete Producer magazines in 2007. Snell’s other awards include an honorary doctorate from Aria University of Sciences and Sustainability (2011) and Construction Laureate of Mongolia (2007). He is a licensed professional engineer in Missouri and Illinois.
Roberto Stark
Roberto Stark receives Honorary Membership “for his impactful contribution to structural design globally, his notable academic influence, and his sustained engagement in technical activities in Mexico and various countries in Latin America”
Roberto Stark, FACI, is the President of Stark + Ortiz, S.C., a consulting firm based in Mexico City, Mexico, that provides structural design services for urban and infrastructure projects throughout Mexico, Peru, Panama, Spain, Colombia, and Guatemala.
He is a member of ACI Committees 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 369, Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation; and 374, Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings, as well as a member of ACI Subcommittee 318-L, International Liaison. He was a member of the ACI Board of Direction for the term 2015-2018.
Since 1979, Stark has been a Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico, and was Head of the Graduate Department of Structural Engineering from 1988 to 1992. He has given seminars on different topics related to concrete and seismic design in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, India, Peru, Spain, and the United States. He received the Gabino Barreda Medal for the Highest Academic Achievement in 1981.
He received the 2019 ACI Design Award and 2018 ACI Charles S. Whitney Medal. He served as the Mexican delegate on ISO-TC 71 from 2005 to 2012. He received his BS in civil engineering from UNAM, in 1981, and his MS and PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA, in 1983 and 1988, respectively.
William E. Rushing, Jr.
William E. Rushing, Jr. receives Honorary Membership “for his tireless efforts and extraordinary leadership on behalf of ACI, and for his vision of expanding the outreach of ACI through chapter and international activities”
William E. Rushing, Jr., FACI, is a Vice President and Manager of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Waldemar S. Nelson & Co., Inc., New Orleans, LA, USA. He has been employed there for 40 years.
A Fellow of ACI, he served as ACI President from 2014 to 2015. Rushing serves on the Board of Trustees of the ACI Foundation and Advancing Organizational Excellence (AOE).
He is a member of ACI Committees 314, Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings; 351, Foundations for Equipment and Machinery; 376, Concrete Structures for Refrigerated Liquefied Gas Containment; E702, Designing Concrete Structures; and S801, Student Competitions; and ACI Subcommittees 53-A, Concrete International Award; 314-B, Preliminary Design and Economic Impact; 314-D, Design Aids; and 351-A, Foundations for Static Equipment.
He chaired the ACI Chapter Activities Committee, the ACI Strategic Plan Task Group, the Task Group on Managing Translations of ACI Products and Services, and the ETC Product Development Committee. He is past Chair of the ACI Financial Advisory Committee and a past member of the Task Group on Communication Platforms for Delivery of Services and Products.
Rushing received the 2021 ACI Strategic Advancement Award; 2018 ACI Education Award; 2011 ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award; and 2003 ACI Chapter Activities Award. He was inducted into the Louisiana State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Hall of Distinction. A member of the ACI Louisiana Chapter, he previously served on the chapter’s Board of Direction and as its President in 1998. He received the 2010 ACI Louisiana Chapter Distinguished Member Award and the 2004 Chapter’s Activity Award.
He received his BS in civil engineering from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, in 1981. He is a licensed professional engineer in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Rushing is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Structural Engineers Institute (SEI).
View all ACI Honorary Members.
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