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Can’t decide which session to attend at The Concrete Convention and Exposition being held in Milwaukee, WI, USA, this week? There will be a wide range of sessions available, with concrete industry experts presenting on topics of global significance as well as more localized topics. Learn all about the Milwaukee convention by clicking on the short presentation above. View Complete Session Schedule Download the Convention App Interested in the topic of Ultra-High Performance Concrete? Attend Ultra-High Performance Concrete-Testing of Material Properties. Carbon dioxide as a feedstock in concrete production? Attend Investigations of Carbon Dioxide Utilization in Concrete. More interested in Nanotechnology? Attend Nanoscale Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Technical and educational sessions provide attendees with the latest research, case studies, best practices, and the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs). On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 as part of Contractors’ Day, ACI Committee 301, Specifications for Concrete, will be coordinating a special session on the new “ACI 301-16 Specifications for Structural Concrete.” The session will show how the design and construction team should use ACI 301 when it's referenced in project specifications, with an emphasis on understanding the relationship between ACI codes and specifications. Also on Tuesday, there will be a special two part session titled Fly Ash in Concrete—A Tribute to Tarun R. Naik. This session will recognize the founding director of University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Center for By-Product Utilization (CBU), Professor Tarun R. Naik for his significant contribution to the beneficial application of fly ash in concrete. ACI Committee 562, Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings, will be coordinating a session titled, “ACI 562 Concrete Repair Code, Applicability, and Use,” on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. This session’s objective is to educate government code officials, licensed design professionals, owners, and contractors on the applicability and use of “ACI 562 13 Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings and Commentary,” and the new ACI/ICRI "Guide to the Code for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Building” through practical examples. Together with the other scheduled convention events including committee meetings, a student competition, Contractors’ Day, and numerous networking events, it’s sure to be a busy week for attendees. Visit the new ACI Store in the Wisconsin Center (C-Ballroom AB & Foyer) to get discounted rates on standards, technical documents and other resources. Also, pick up ACI gear featuring new apparel, children’s toys, and more. Don’t forget to visit the ACI Store after the Opening Session on Sunday, April 17, during its new extended hours.
Can’t decide which session to attend at The Concrete Convention and Exposition being held in Milwaukee, WI, USA, this week? There will be a wide range of sessions available, with concrete industry experts presenting on topics of global significance as well as more localized topics.
Learn all about the Milwaukee convention by clicking on the short presentation above.
View Complete Session Schedule
Interested in the topic of Ultra-High Performance Concrete? Attend Ultra-High Performance Concrete-Testing of Material Properties. Carbon dioxide as a feedstock in concrete production? Attend Investigations of Carbon Dioxide Utilization in Concrete. More interested in Nanotechnology? Attend Nanoscale Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.
Technical and educational sessions provide attendees with the latest research, case studies, best practices, and the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 as part of Contractors’ Day, ACI Committee 301, Specifications for Concrete, will be coordinating a special session on the new “ACI 301-16 Specifications for Structural Concrete.” The session will show how the design and construction team should use ACI 301 when it's referenced in project specifications, with an emphasis on understanding the relationship between ACI codes and specifications.
Also on Tuesday, there will be a special two part session titled Fly Ash in Concrete—A Tribute to Tarun R. Naik. This session will recognize the founding director of University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Center for By-Product Utilization (CBU), Professor Tarun R. Naik for his significant contribution to the beneficial application of fly ash in concrete.
ACI Committee 562, Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings, will be coordinating a session titled, “ACI 562 Concrete Repair Code, Applicability, and Use,” on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. This session’s objective is to educate government code officials, licensed design professionals, owners, and contractors on the applicability and use of “ACI 562 13 Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings and Commentary,” and the new ACI/ICRI "Guide to the Code for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Building” through practical examples.
Together with the other scheduled convention events including committee meetings, a student competition, Contractors’ Day, and numerous networking events, it’s sure to be a busy week for attendees.
Visit the new ACI Store in the Wisconsin Center (C-Ballroom AB & Foyer) to get discounted rates on standards, technical documents and other resources. Also, pick up ACI gear featuring new apparel, children’s toys, and more. Don’t forget to visit the ACI Store after the Opening Session on Sunday, April 17, during its new extended hours.
ACI University is a global, online learning resource, providing on-demand access to a wide range of topics on concrete materials, design, and construction
These Awards will celebrate innovation and inspire excellence throughout the global concrete design and construction community.
The American Concrete Institute's newest Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) and Commentary is now available in print and digital formats. Learn more about the 2019 edition, plus supplemental resources from ACI.
Visit the ACI 318 Portal Now »