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548 - Polymers and Adhesives for Concrete

Committee Mission: Develop and report information on polymers in concrete and the use of adhesives with concrete.

Goals: Make revisions, ballot, and publish the following updated documents: ACI 548.10: Specifications for Type MMS (Methyl Methacrylate Slurry) Polymer Overlays for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks, 548.1R: Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete, ACI 548.4-11: Specification for Latex-Modified Concrete Overlays, and ACI 548.14-YY Specification For Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortar. Withdraw ACI 548.12: Specification for Bonding Hardened Concrete and Steel to Hardened Concrete with an Epoxy Adhesive. Prepare Tech notes on: “What is Polymer Concrete?” and “Is Polymer Concrete Suitable for Accelerated Bridge Construction?” Sponsor session on "Advances in Polymer Concrete" during the fall meeting in Dallas.

Chair: Michael Stenko

TAC Contact: Christopher Ferraro

Upcoming Open Meetings:
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - 4/1/2025 8:30 AM-11:30 AM Rosedale,

Published Committee Documents:
• ACI PRC-548.1-09: Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete
• ACI PRC-548.11-24: Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes—Guide
• ACI PRC-548.3-09: Report on Polymer-Modified Concrete
• ACI PRC-548.5-16 Guide for Polymer Concrete Overlays
• ACI PRC-548.6-19: Polymer Concrete: Guidelines for Structural Applications
• ACI SPEC-548.10-22: Type Methyl Methacrylate Slurry (MMS) Polymer Overlays for Bridge and Parking Garage Deck—Specification
• ACI SPEC-548.10M-10 Specification for Type MMS (Methyl Methacrylate Slurry) Polymer Overlays for Bridge and Parking Garage (Metric)
• ACI SPEC-548.13-21: Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Concrete - Specification
• ACI SPEC-548.13-21: Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Concrete—Specification
• ACI SPEC-548.13-21: Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Concrete—Specification (SI Units)
• ACI SPEC-548.14-14 Specification for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortar
• ACI SPEC-548.14M-14 Specification for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortar
• ACI SPEC-548.15-20: Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
• ACI SPEC-548.15-20: Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection (SI Units)
• ACI SPEC-548.16-21: Epoxy and Aggregate High Friction Surface on Concrete—Specification
• ACI SPEC-548.16-21: Epoxy and Aggregate High Friction Surface on Concrete—Specification (SI Units)
• ACI SPEC-548.4-11 Specification for Latex-Modified Concrete Overlays
• ACI SPEC-548.4M-11 Specification for Latex-Modified Concrete Overlays (Metric)
• ACI SPEC-548.8-19: Construction Specification for Type EM (Epoxy Multi-Layer) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks
• ACI SPEC-548.8M-19: Construction Specification for Type EM (Epoxy Multi-Layer) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks
• ACI SPEC-548.9-21: Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks—Specification
• ACI SPEC-548.9-21: Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks—Specification (SI Units)
• ACI SPEC-548.9M-08: Specification for Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks (Metric)

See all Committee Documents...

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Meeting Agenda & Approved Minutes
Meeting--March 26, 2024
Meeting--October 31, 2023
Meeting--October 25, 2022
Meeting--March 29, 2022
Meeting--October 11, 2021
Meeting--March 30, 2021
Meeting--October 27, 2020
Meeting--October 22, 2019
Meeting--March 26, 2019
Meeting--October 16, 2018
Meeting--October 17, 2017
Meeting--March 28, 2017
Meeting--October 25, 2016
Meeting--April 19, 2016
Meeting--November 10, 2015
Meeting--April 14, 2015
Meeting--October 18, 2011
Meeting--April 05, 2011
Meeting--October 26, 2010
Meeting--March 17, 2009
Meeting--March 06, 2006
Meeting--November 01, 2005
Meeting--May 18, 2005
Meeting--October 25, 2004
Meeting--March 15, 2004
Meeting--September 28, 2003
Meeting--March 31, 2003
Meeting--October 28, 2002
Meeting--April 22, 2002
Meeting--October 30, 2001
Meeting--March 26, 2001
Meeting--October 17, 2000
Meeting--March 28, 2000
Meeting--November 02, 1999
Meeting--March 17, 1999
Meeting--October 27, 1998
Meeting--March 24, 1998
Meeting--November 11, 1997
Meeting--April 08, 1997