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Question: Consolidation of concrete—required or not?
Question: What is mass concrete?
Question: Requirements for durable concrete
Question: Maximum temperature limits for hot-weather concreting
Question: Air tests for non-air-entrained concrete
Question: Tolerances for concrete slabs supporting steel tanks
Question: How does the relative amount of each ingredient used in concrete influence the properties of con...
Question: Curing Cylinders for Acceptance Testing
Question: Who selects the requirements for concrete for a project?
Question: Water Curing Mass Concrete Structures
Question: Size of test cylinder
Question: How is the required strength selected, measured, and obtained?
Question: What nominal maximum sizes of aggregate are recommended?
Question: Temperature limits for mass concrete
Question: What does ACI recommend regarding water-cement (w/c) ratios or admixtures to improve workability...
Question: Mixture design and strength submittals
Question: Estimating in-place concrete strength
Question: The effect of joints on the durability of concrete structures
Question: What is the intention of the ACI 318 Building Code?
Question: Standards for 7-day and 28-day strength test results
Question: How is workability measured and specified?
Question: How to Control Mass Concrete Temperature during Construction
Question: Evaluating the properties of hardened concrete
Question: Standard specifications for cements
Question: Material Requirements for Mass Concrete
Question: What is a pozzolan?
Question: How can it be determined that an admixture will serve its intended purpose?
Question: What water-cementitious material ratio should be used for a particular job when strength require...
Question: The ultimate objective in proportioning concrete
Question: Temperature Control Time
Question: What are blended cements?
Question: What is an admixture?
Question: Are the proportions of ingredients inter-related to produce concrete of a given workability?
Question: If time is not available for preliminary tests, how can the desired strengths be ensured?
Question: What is involved in the process of mixture proportioning?
Question: Predicating Temperature for Mass Concrete
Question: How do the requirements of placing affect the selection of proportions of aggregates and cementi...
Question: The purpose of calcium sulfate (gypsum)
Question: How is the selection of mixture proportions affected by the materials to be used and the placing...
Question: The basic approach used in the ACI mixture proportioning method
Question: Minimum Dimension of a Structure
Question: Rebound hammer and in-place strength testing
Question: How do the code requirements get to the contractor?