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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Beams With Intermediate Expansion Hinges In Rigid-Frame Bridges

Author(s): D. H. Pletta and Leonard C. Hollister

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 35

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 149-172

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8482

Date: 1/1/1939

Expansion hinges, developed by the California Highway Department, capable of transmitting shear but no thrust or moment, and located at about the quarter point of interior girders on long multiple-span, rigid-frame, concrete bridges are described in detail. It is claimed that they preserve structural continuity and enhance aesthetic possibilities more so than older methods of breaking girders over interior piers. As their incorporation complicates design, charts were developed for the hinged beams so that they could be treated as similar solid beams when analyzing the structure by moment distribution. The charts mate-rially reduce design time.