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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Strength and Deflection of Circular Uniformly Loaded Slab Supported Between Center and Periphery

Author(s): S. Sergev and M. H. Kashani-Sabet

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 60

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 281-294


DOI: 10.14359/7856

Date: 2/1/1963

Formulas for principal bending moments and deflections are derived for a uniformly loaded circular slab, simply supported by a continuous circular support situated between center and heperiphery of the slab. The bending moments and deflections are found for different positions of the support, and for design purposes, these functions are plotted as ordinates and the location of the support as abscissas, both in nondimensional form. The construction is suitable for roofs of circular structures where an overhana is desirable. The paper does not offer a new solution to the problem but attempts to present it in a suitable form for the designer. The paper is concluded by an example showing the use of the curves presented.