International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A model for the analysis of transverse load transfer in reinforced concrete beams strengthened by means of glued steel plates

Author(s): del Río Bueno, A.; Ortiz Herrera, J.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 40

Issue: 172

Appears on pages(s): 125 - 134



Date: 1/5/1989

The verification of load transfer mechanisms from the existing elements to the additional 'reinforceing' materials is a fundamental requisite in the design of investigations on old structures. In this work, a theoretical model for the analysis of the transverse load transfer through interfaces corresponding to R.C. beams strengthened by means of glued steel sheets and submitted to bending is proposed. It is based in the theory of composite girders, and has been complemented with the corresponding computer program. at first, constitutive laws corresponding to epoxi concrete to steel interfaces are formulated. Finally, a Simplified Model for re-design of these type of strengthened structural elements is proposed.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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