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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Shear Failure of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Based on Push-Off Tests

Author(s): Bryan Barragan, Ravindra Gettu, Luis Agullo, and Raul Zerbino

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 103

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 251-257

Keywords: fiber-reinforced concrete; shear; test; toughness

DOI: 10.14359/16608

Date: 7/1/2006

The paper presents results of an experimental study that analyzes the shear behavior of steel fiber-reinforced concrete. Direct shear push-off tests are carried out on normal- and high-strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete specimens. The test can be performed in a stable manner for steel fiber-reinforced concrete, permitting the determination of the pre- and post-peak responses and, consequently, characterizing the shear stress that can be transferred across an open crack. The shear stress-slip response is analyzed and toughness-based parameters, for possible use in design, are calculated.