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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Flexural Behavior and Design of High-Strength Concrete Members

Author(s): Z. Wu, W. Choi, A. Mirmiran, S. Rizkalla, and P. Zia

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 228


Appears on pages(s): 421-438

Keywords: beam; bridge; flexural members; high-strength concrete

DOI: 10.14359/14484

Date: 6/1/2005

Development of high-strength concrete (HSC) dates back to the early 1930’s, when concrete compressive strengths above 97 MPa (14 ksi) were achieved using autoclave curing. With the advent of super-plasticizers, today HSC has become an economical solution for bridge construction. This paper presents an overview of the past research on flexural behavior of HSC members. The study is based on an extensive search of literature, a national survey of bridge owners and bridge producers, and an international survey of bridge design codes. The study has resulted in identification of factors that affect the flexural behavior and design of reinforced concrete members made of HSC. The paper also identifies relevant design issues to extend the current concrete compressive strength limit of 69 MPa (10 ksi) to 124 MPa (18 ksi) in the AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.