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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Computer-Based Tools for Design by Strut-and-Tie Method: Advances and Challenges

Author(s): Tjen N. Tjhin and Daniel A. Kuchma

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 99

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 586-594

Keywords: structural concrete; strut; tie

DOI: 10.14359/12298

Date: 9/1/2002

The strut-and-tie method (STM) is gaining recognition as a code-worthy and consistent methodology for the design of D- (discontinuity) regions in structural concrete. Unfortunately, the development of code provisions for the STM has been hampered by uncertainties in defining the strength and dimensions of the idealized load-resisting truss (or strut-and-tie model). In addition, the has been encumbered by an iterative and time-consuming design procedure in which many geometric details need to be considered. To overcome this problem, researchers are developing computer-based design tools, including the authors’ computer-aided strut-and-tie (CAST) design tool. CAST provides a graphical working environment for all aspects of the design process, including definition of the D-region, selection of the strut-and-tie model, truss analysis, member definitions, and creation of a design summary. This study reports on the STM, the barriers to its advancement, the capabilities of computer-based design tools, and the CAST program. It also makes suggestions for future STM research.