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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Analysis of Continuous Circular Curved Beams

Author(s): Becla Velutini

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 47

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 217-228

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/11987

Date: 11/1/1950

Continuous circular curved beams can be analyzed easily by the moment distribution method if both bending and torsional end couples are considered. Formulas and tables are presented for circular curved beams of constant cross section that give the relations between the end moments and end torques and the corresponding rotations of the end sections. A proposed method of procedure is illustrated in which the bending end couples are kept separate from the torsional couples. The mathematical operations are not difficult as the convergence is rapid, but attention must be paid to the sign convention which must be definite and easy to apply.