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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Tests to Establish Concrete Pumpability

Author(s): Roger D. Browne and Phillip B. Bamforth

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 74

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 193-203

Keywords: concretes;field tests; fresh concretes; mix proportioning;permeability;pumped concrete; pumping; pumps;test equipment; tests; voids; water;water-cement ratio;workability.

DOI: 10.14359/11001

Date: 5/1/1977

This paper describes test methods developed for examining the pumping characteristics of concrete which have aided the range of studies undertaken on pumped concrete over the last 8 years. Details are given of the basic state of the concrete in the pipeline, from which is established the importance of impermeability of the material in minimizing pipe blockage. A practical test method for this property, simulating the pressurized state of concrete in a pipeline, is described, together with test results from pumping trials on a number of concrete mixes. Viscometric methods are also briefly mentioned in relation to the laboratory measurement of flow resistance. The void meter test is described and its value as a mix proportioning tool is considered in relation to the optimization of cement contents. Finally, the details and results from instrumen-ation of pipelines to observe pumping pressure variations are presented and conclusions are given related to pump performance and concrete characteristics.