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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Study on Shrinkage Characteristics of High-Strength Silica Fume Concrete

Author(s): Takayuki Kojima, Nobuaki Takagi, and Satoshi Horikawa

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 199


Appears on pages(s): 719-736

Keywords: autogenous shrinkage; drying shrinkage; high-strength concrete; sealed curing; setting time; silica fume; total shrinkage

DOI: 10.14359/10544

Date: 6/1/2001

Autogenous shrinkage and drying shrinkage tests were carried out to determine the shrinkage characteristics of high-strength concrete. Three levels of water-cementitious materials ratios [W/(C+SF) : 20, 30 and 50%], and three levels of silica fume replacement ratios [SF/(C+SF) : 0, 7.5 and 15%] were chosen. The drying shrinkage test with specimens of 1 OxlOx4Ocm under the condition of 20+ 1°C and 6O+ 5%RH started at the age of 7 days or 28 days after the measurement of autogenous shrinkage. The autogenous shrinkage strain was also measured in other specimens until the age of about two years. The autogenous shrinkage strain increased both in its amount and its percentage in the total shrinkage strain with the decrease of W/(C+SF). Almost the same total shrinkage strain was observed after about one year in the specimens under the drying condition independent of the mixture proportions of concrete, the curing method or its period.