International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Behavior of Interior Beam-to-Column Connections Under Earthquake-Type Loading

Author(s): Ahmad J. Durrani and James K. Wight

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 82

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 343-349

Keywords: beams (supports); columns (supports); connections; cyclic loads;earthquake resistant construction; energy dissipation; frames; joints (junctions);reinforced concrete; reinforcing steels; slippage; stiffness; strength; stuctural design.

DOI: 10.14359/10341

Date: 5/1/1985

Beam-to-column connections designed according to the current recommendations of ACI-ASCE Committee 352’ may result in a joint which is overly congested with reinforcement, difficult to construct, and uneconomical. The performance of these joints under cyclic loading, however, may not be better than that of lightly reinforced well-detailed joints. The results of an experimental investigation which studied the use of lower amounts of transverse reinforcement than currently recommended are reported. The behavior of internal beam-to-column connections of a ductile moment-resisting frame under an earthquake-type loading are presented along with their design implications. The effect of the amount of joint hoop reinforcement and joint shear stress on strength degradation, loss of stiffness, energy dissipation, shear deformation of the joint, and the slippage of beam and column bars through the joint is examined. The joint shear stress was found to have a pronounced effect on behavior at large ductility levels. The joint hoop reinforcement, on the other hand, was most significant at lower ductility levels. Guidelines are suggested to simplify the design of connections.



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