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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Guide For Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete

Author(s): ACI Committee 304

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 82

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 243-257

Keywords: admixtures;aggregate gradation;aggregates; aggregate size; air entrainment; batching; bleeding (concrete); cement content; cements; chutes; coarse aggregates

DOI: 10.14359/10331

Date: 5/1/1985

Presents a summary of ACI 304R-85 which is proposed as the replacement for ACI 304-73 9Reaffirmed 19830. The full report presents information on the handling, measuring, and batching of all th materials used in making normal weight, lightweight structural, and heavyweight concrete. It covers both weight and volumetric measuring, mixing in central mix plants and truck mixers, and concrete placing using buckets, buggies, pumps, and conveyors. Underwater concrete placing and preplaced aggregate concrete are also covered. The guide outlines procedures for obtaining good quality concrete in completed structures. The summary emphasizes the new material added to ACI 304-73.