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I was pleased and flattered when ACI President Florian G. Barth, my long-time friend, asked me to contribute to his President’s Memo with reflections on the post- tensioning industry and how it "fits" with ACI. We share a similar professional background as specialists in post-tensioned concrete design and construction and have been active in both ACI and the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). We've served on the ACI Board of Direction and Technical Activities Committee and the PTI Technical Advisory Board, so we know how both groups work—and how they work together. And now, it's as if the stars have truly aligned with Florian as President of ACI and me as President of PTI. A long-established working relationship exists between ACI and PTI because of the cross-committee membership. For decades, specialists in post-tensioned concrete have contributed to the work of several important ACI committees, including 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 301, Specifications for Concrete; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete. PTI recently moved its headquarters to Farmington Hills, MI, to become a part of Creative Association Management, an ACI subsidiary, which also manages the American Shotcrete Association and the International Concrete Repair Institute. In addition, plans are being developed to put into motion new initiatives to further enhance the cooperation between our organizations. PTI is establishing a Speaker's Bureau to offer ACI chapters the opportunity to invite experts in post-tensioned construction to address chapter meetings. A joint e-learning program between ACI and PTI is also being discussed. During my 2-year term (2009–2011) as President of PTI, I hope to focus on sustainability, new markets, and an increased international presence. These concerns are closely aligned with Florian's goals and visions for ACI, as he has presented in his previous President's Memos. PTI has entered into the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative, a memorandum of understanding to align sustainable development activities within the concrete industry. ACI and the Portland Cement Association began the discussions to open the channels of communication to involve all industry segments and bring together the diverse resources of many organizations in a collaborative effort and vision for sustainability—so critical for the future success of our industry. Along with PTI, associations that have signed the memorandum to date include the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, the National Concrete Masonry Association, the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, and the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute; others will be joining as well. PTI looks forward to collaborating as part of concrete's unified voice on sustainability as we enter the next wave of green construction. "A long-established working relationship exists between ACI and PTI because of the cross-committee membership. For decades, specialists in post-tensioned concrete have contributed to the work of several important ACI committees..." In the decades to follow, the field of concrete construction in general, and post-tensioning in particular, could see advances in many areas: tall buildings, structural walls (including tilt-up), repair of existing buildings, and commercial slabs-on-ground. I also advocate future outreach and collaboration with our international colleagues to exchange information. The concrete industry worldwide needs to share its local developments. The rest of the world should know about the use of unbonded tendons in U.S. buildings, while we can learn more about the interesting concrete applications in Europe and the Middle East, such as the Building Green in the Desert project that will be the topic of the International Lunch during the upcoming ACI Fall 2009 Convention. The concrete industry has experienced tremendous growth since I started as a structural designer with T.Y. Lin and Associates in 1963. I have specialized in concrete for more than 45 years now and have never stopped enjoying it and being amazed at its power and versatility—what a material! Even though I fully recognize the tough economic times we are in, I see the glass as half full. I'm excited about the future. PTI looks forward to an even longer and mutually beneficial relationship with ACI and its chapters as we work together to develop future technical knowledge. Back to Memo List
I was pleased and flattered when ACI President Florian G. Barth, my long-time friend, asked me to contribute to his President’s Memo with reflections on the post- tensioning industry and how it "fits" with ACI. We share a similar professional background as specialists in post-tensioned concrete design and construction and have been active in both ACI and the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI). We've served on the ACI Board of Direction and Technical Activities Committee and the PTI Technical Advisory Board, so we know how both groups work—and how they work together. And now, it's as if the stars have truly aligned with Florian as President of ACI and me as President of PTI.
A long-established working relationship exists between ACI and PTI because of the cross-committee membership. For decades, specialists in post-tensioned concrete have contributed to the work of several important ACI committees, including 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 301, Specifications for Concrete; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete. PTI recently moved its headquarters to Farmington Hills, MI, to become a part of Creative Association Management, an ACI subsidiary, which also manages the American Shotcrete Association and the International Concrete Repair Institute.
In addition, plans are being developed to put into motion new initiatives to further enhance the cooperation between our organizations. PTI is establishing a Speaker's Bureau to offer ACI chapters the opportunity to invite experts in post-tensioned construction to address chapter meetings. A joint e-learning program between ACI and PTI is also being discussed.
During my 2-year term (2009–2011) as President of PTI, I hope to focus on sustainability, new markets, and an increased international presence. These concerns are closely aligned with Florian's goals and visions for ACI, as he has presented in his previous President's Memos.
PTI has entered into the Concrete Joint Sustainability Initiative, a memorandum of understanding to align sustainable development activities within the concrete industry. ACI and the Portland Cement Association began the discussions to open the channels of communication to involve all industry segments and bring together the diverse resources of many organizations in a collaborative effort and vision for sustainability—so critical for the future success of our industry. Along with PTI, associations that have signed the memorandum to date include the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, the National Concrete Masonry Association, the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, and the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute; others will be joining as well. PTI looks forward to collaborating as part of concrete's unified voice on sustainability as we enter the next wave of green construction.
"A long-established working relationship exists between ACI and PTI because of the cross-committee membership. For decades, specialists in post-tensioned concrete have contributed to the work of several important ACI committees..."
In the decades to follow, the field of concrete construction in general, and post-tensioning in particular, could see advances in many areas: tall buildings, structural walls (including tilt-up), repair of existing buildings, and commercial slabs-on-ground. I also advocate future outreach and collaboration with our international colleagues to exchange information. The concrete industry worldwide needs to share its local developments. The rest of the world should know about the use of unbonded tendons in U.S. buildings, while we can learn more about the interesting concrete applications in Europe and the Middle East, such as the Building Green in the Desert project that will be the topic of the International Lunch during the upcoming ACI Fall 2009 Convention.
The concrete industry has experienced tremendous growth since I started as a structural designer with T.Y. Lin and Associates in 1963. I have specialized in concrete for more than 45 years now and have never stopped enjoying it and being amazed at its power and versatility—what a material! Even though I fully recognize the tough economic times we are in, I see the glass as half full. I'm excited about the future. PTI looks forward to an even longer and mutually beneficial relationship with ACI and its chapters as we work together to develop future technical knowledge.
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