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364/546-SC - Steering Committee

Committee Mission: Promote sustained coordination, collaboration, and interaction between ACI 364 and ACI 546 to better serve the needs of the repair and rehabilitation discipline.

Goals: * Encourage Sustained Collaboration between 364 & 546. * Committee Document Review: Documents will be reviewed as they are updated and revised. *Document Development: Committee will facilitate communication during development of new documents, so they are developed to effectively serve the repair and rehabilitation discipline. *Convention Sessions: Committee will foster collaboration for technical sessions at conventions to encourage speakers from diverse areas to address a wide range of topics related to the repair and rehabilitation discipline * Membership to be Balanced Between 364 & 546 with active participation. * Committee to Meet Periodically as Needed Typically Outside of Conventions

Chair: Peter Barlow

Work Folders (ACI)

Meeting Agenda & Approved Minutes
Meeting--April 25, 2024
Meeting--March 06, 2023