Prestressed Concrete

Definition: structural concrete in which internal stresses have been introduced to reduce potential tensile stresses in concrete resulting from loads.- ACI Concrete Terminology

Prestressed concrete is structural concrete in which internal stresses have been introduced to reduce potential tensile stresses in the concrete resulting from loads. This introduction of internal stresses is called “prestressing” and is usually accomplished through the use of tendons that are tensioned or pulled tight prior to being anchored to the concrete. Common pretensioned members in buildings and parking garages include hollow core sections and double-tee sections.

Practice oriented papers and articles ON PRESTRESSED CONCRETE

Deflection Behavior of Beams Prestressed with Bonded FRP Tendons

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Prestressed with Hybrid Tendons

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

Application of FRP in the Rehabilitation of Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridges

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

The Performance of Prestressed Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Bridge Tendons after 18 Years in Service

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 3/1/2024

Punching Shear in Prestressed Concrete Deck Slabs: A Comprehensive Study

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 4/1/2023

Effect of Prestressing Ratio on Concrete-Filled FRP Rectangular Tube Beams Tested in Flexure

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2022

Concrete Flat Plates of Optimum Thickness: Serviceability and Strength—Part I: Serviceability

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2022

Mix-Designs of Concretes in Durable Reinforced and Prestressed Structures of a Viaduct for a Railway Train Connecting Venice with Cortina, in Italy

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2022

Use of Innovative Admixtures in Precast/Prestressed Concrete

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2022

Live Load Distribution in a Slab-on-Girder Bridge Subjected to Corrosion and Differential Settlement

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 5/31/2022

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