Definition: (1) the property of a material or assembly to withstand fire or give protection from it; (2) the ability of building elements to confine a fire or, when exposed to fire, to continue to perform a given structural function, or both.- ACI Concrete Terminology

Fire resistance is influenced by both the thermal and physical properties of the structural element. Factors affecting the thermal performance are: type of aggregate in the concrete; free moisture in the concrete, both absorbed and capillary; and volume of concrete per square foot (square meter) of exposed area. Factors affecting the structural performance are: stress level in the concrete and the steel, cover over the reinforcing bars, tendency of aggregate and free moisture to cause spalling, and lateral restraint conditions.

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Practice oriented papers and articles ON FIRE RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE

Blast Performance of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with Foamed Concrete and Polyurea Coatings

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2024

Control of Physical Deterioration of Foamed Geopolymers Exposed to High Temperature

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 6/5/2024

Measurement of the Radiation Shielding Performance of GRC Composite Materials

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2022

A Case Study on the Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Fireproofing in Aggressive Industrial Environments

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 4/1/2022

Parking Garage Fires Revisited

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 12/1/2021

Deep Neural Network to Predict Fire Resistance of FRP-Strengthened Beams

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 11/1/2021

Optimization of partially prefabricated HyFRC slabs

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 10/1/2020

Strategies for Enhancing Fire Resistance of High-Strength Concrete Structures

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 5/1/2020

Fire Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Based on Eurocode 2

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 8/10/2018

Influence of Fiber Content on the Conductivity of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 8/10/2018

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