Design is a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building before it is built. It is also the process of selecting the proper materials and proportioning the different elements of the structure according to state-of-the art engineering science and technology.

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Deep-Learning-Informed Design Scheme for Prediction of Interfacial Concrete Shear Strength

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/2/2025

Capacity Estimations for Three-Pile Caps with Size and Reinforcement Variations

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Axial Load-Bearing Concrete Confined with Ultra-High- Performance Concrete Jackets and Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Grids

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Shear Strength Database for Nonprestressed High- Strength High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites and Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Beams without Stirrups

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Dual-Potential Capacity Model for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Members Failed in Shear

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams with Axial Restraint

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Two-Way Shear in Nonprestressed Slabs: Flexural Reinforcement Ratio Effects

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Shear Strength of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Cyclic Loading Test for Interior Precast Beam-Column Joints Using Slag-Based Concrete

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

Implications of ACI CODE-440.11 Code Provisions on Design of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Footings

Publication: Structural Journal
Date: 1/1/2025

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Practice oriented papers and articles ON DESIGN OF CONCRETE

Cement is Changing for Good: Be Part of the Conversation

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 1/1/2025

Interlaboratory Study on Precision Statement of Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner to Verify Concrete Tolerance

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 1/1/2025

Simplified Method for Serviceability Design of Cracked Prestressed Concrete Members Belonging to Class C Section

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Vibration Performance of Inter-Module Composite Floors for Modular Buildings

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Serviceability of Concrete Structures for Explosives Operating Locations and Live-Fire Training Facilities

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Influence of Earthquake Duration on Response of Steel Jacket Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Serviceability Wind Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

Blast Load Prediction for Deflagration of Low Explosives in Confined Concrete Structures

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

A Universal Language for Finishability

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 12/1/2024

Excessive Overdesign of Concrete Mixtures for Strength—Causes and Solutions

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 11/1/2024

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