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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Moisture oin Thermal Conductivity of Limerock Concrete

Author(s): Mack Tyner

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 43

Issue: 9

Appears on pages(s): 9-18

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8742

Date: 9/1/1946

The coefficient of thermal conductivity k of lime- rock concrete is a function of temperature,’ composi- tion and density of moisture content. No attempt has been made to measure the effect of temperature on k. Holding the temperature reasonably constant the effect of composition on k has been measured for two Ilmerock concrete mixes ( I :5 and I :7 by volume). The I :5 mix has a k that larger than the k for the I :7 mix. is IO percent With the temperature and composition held con- stant, the effect of moisture on k for the I.5 and I :7 mixes has been measured. The moisture content has a profound effect on k, e.g., increases of moisture from 0 to 5 percent increases the k of I :5 mix by 23 percent and from 0 to IO percent increases the k by 46 percent. Concretes should be kept dry if their maximum heat insulation effect is desired.