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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Grading And Workability

Author(s): W. H. Glanville

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 33

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 319-326

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8420

Date: 1/1/1937

Summarizes the results of work done at the Road Research Laboratory, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England. The theoretical aspects of workability are dlscussed and a definition of workability given, A method of test, the compacting factor test, is described which measures the degree of compaction of concrete after a standard amount of work has been done on it and relating this to the density of fully-compacted concrete. Using this test, the relation has been established between the strength and workability for mixes of various proportions and various water-cement ratios. The grading and shape of the aggregate have also been- considered in re lation To the effect on workability and strength. The results of the investiqations are summarized in tables, which show the water-cement ratios necessary to give three different degrees of workability in concretes having proportions ranging from I :3 and I :71/z by weight, with each of four different aggregate. grading. A table is presented showing the suitability of different aggregate gradings for various . mixes according to the degrees of workability required. Some indication is also given of the effect of dust in the aggregate on the workability of the concrete.