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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effectiveness of Helical Binding in the Compression Zone of Concrete Beams

Author(s): G. D. Base and J. B. Read-

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 62

Issue: 7

Appears on pages(s): 763-782

Keywords: beam, frame, helices, moment-rotation curve, plastic hinge, prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforcement, research, secondary reinforcement, ultimate strength

DOI: 10.14359/7722

Date: 7/1/1965

Reinforced and prestressed beams were tested by mid-span loading to investigate the efficiency of helical rein-forcement in the compression zone as a means of improving the moment-rotation characteristics of the plastic hinges that formed. Helices were generally more efficient than stirrups in terms of weight of steel for a specified increase in plastic rotation. Rectangular stirrups tended to deform outwards and permit the compression zone to crush. Balanced section reinforced concrete beams and rectangular prestressed beams were given adequate plasticity by helices alone, but over-reinforced beams generally required additional shear reinforcement in the form of stirrups.