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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Hypar Roof of the Madonna di Pompei Church, Montreal, Canada

Author(s): Felix M. Kraus

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 64

Issue: 7

Appears on pages(s): 374-383

Keywords: concrete construction;deflection;formwork (construction);hyperbolic paraboloid;religious buildings;roofs;shells (structural forms;structural design

DOI: 10.14359/7571

Date: 7/1/1967

Describes the design and construction of the hyperbolic paraboloid roof for the Madonna di Pompei Church in Montreal, Canada. This hypar roof is an anticlastic shell sup-ported on two boundaries and free along the remaining two boundaries, which are unified into one hyperbola. Calculations show pronounced cantilever and arch action of the shell. Field deflection measurements indicate substantial shell stiffness as well as interaction of the unequal shell quadrants.