• The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Continuous vertical placement of concrete

Author(s): William R. Waugh

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 71

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 551-554

Keywords: arch dams; buttress dams; concrete c tion; concrete dams; formwork (construction); dams; joints (junctions); joint sealers; mass concrete; ing; slipform construction;

DOI: 10.14359/7126

Date: 11/1/1974

A possible new approach to mass concrete construction which is particularly adaptable to concrete dams not all types and particularly to gravity, arch and dams is described. The requirements for applicability approach to construction of concrete dams with particular reference to preliminary work including site p and stream diversion are outlined. Plant features and elements, plant capacity and herent potential for utilization of plant at near maximum capacity for a large percentage of time are covered. forming requirements and the various options for are discussed. Solutions to the problems of providi age control and waterstops are suggested. Vario problems associated with the approach are outlined rational solutions to these problems suggested. Requirements for temperature control and the which this approach offers for simplifying the a of control devices and procedures are discussed. approach virtually eliminates the need for protection surfaces is also discussed. Finally the advantages this approach has over ventional approach and the cost benefits which possible, are summarized.