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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Design for Severe Dynamic Loads

Author(s): S. Woodson and T. Krauthammer

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 183


Appears on pages(s): 17-36

Keywords: design; dynamic analysis; reinforced concrete; structural steel

DOI: 10.14359/5532

Date: 5/1/1999

Traditionally, U.S. Government agencies have developed and maintained manuals for the design of structures to resist severe dynamic loads, I.e. blast effects. However, such manuals have been primarily directed toward structures of a military nature, and relatively little attention has been given to the design of civilian buildings to resist blast effects. The lack of concern for the blast resistance of buildings is no surprising in that the threat has been minimal. Although some design guidance for blast resistance has been available to the general public, the primary users have been petro-chemical industries that are aware of potential accidental explosions related to their normal operations (I.e., chemical plants). Historically, general design guidance, such as that of the American Concrete Institute's Committee 318 (ACI, 1995) (1) has served the public well. However, two recent events, the World Trade Center and the Alfred P. Murrah explosions, have heightened awareness in the United States of the potential need to consider blast effects in the design of some buildings. The discussion presented herein summarizes existing blast-resistant design approaches and addresses issues that are critical to the development of buildings with improved resistance to severe dynamic loads. Emphasis is given to the design and behavior of reinforce concrete structures.