International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Freeze–Thaw Resistance and Drying Shrinkage of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Proportioned by the Modified Equivalent Mortar Volume Method

Author(s): Sungchul Yang, and Hwalwoong Lee

Publication: IJCSM

Volume: 11

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 617–626

Keywords: recycled concrete aggregate, drying shrinkage, freeze-and-thaw, mix design.

DOI: 10.1007/s40069-017-0216-5

Date: 12/30/2017

To evaluate the effect of the mix proportioning method on drying shrinkage and freeze-and-thaw resistance of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) concrete, two series of concrete mixes were made using the modified equivalent mortar volume (EMV) method and the conventional ACI method. In this study, different sources of RCAs were manufactured from on-site plants on air bases and at a commercial recycling plant. Keeping the total mortar at the same level, concrete mixes were proportioned by the modified EMV method, using different scale factors: S = 1 (with RCA substitution of 23%), S = 2 (with RCA substitution of 47%), and S = 3 (with RCA substitution of 73%). It was assumed that the residual mortar volume in the RCA concrete was represented in the sum of the volume of mortar and the volume of aggregate, in variance to the scale factors. Test results showed that the modified EMV method for all the mixes yielded the drying shrinkage property of the RCA concrete comparable to that of the companion concrete with natural coarse aggregate. On the other hand, it was observed in the freeze-and-thaw test that the modified EMV method could be marginally applied to the limited condition with S = 2.



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