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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Z 12 - Pumped Concrete


Publication: CIA



Appears on pages(s):



Date: 2/7/2011

Today, pumping is an efficient and economical means of transporting concrete on most building and construction sites. It is especially useful on sites that are congested, where space for construction equipment is restricted, and where the availability of cranage may be limited due to the need to move other materials at the same time as concrete is being placed, eg on high-rise building projects. A wide range of pumps and ancillary equipment is available to cover the varied conditions encountered in the building and construction industry. They range from small units capable of delivery 5 m3 per hour or less over distances of, say, 50 m horizontally, to large units capable of delivering 50–150 m3 per hour over distances of 2 km and heights of 500 m and more. Whilst obviously the larger the project, the greater is likely to be its complexity, there are certain principles that can be said to apply to all pumping operations. It is the aim of this Recommended Practice to provide background information on the subject. It is not intended to replace the practical and 'expert' advice which may be necessary on particular projects.