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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Durability of Local Repair Measures on Concrete Structures Damaged by Reinforcement Corrosion

Author(s): P. Schiebl, W. breit, and M. Raupach

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 145


Appears on pages(s): 1195-1216

Keywords: carbonation; chlorides; coatings; concretes; corrosion; spalling; corrosion resistance; cracking (fracturing); damage; durability; repairs; steels; Construction

DOI: 10.14359/4513

Date: 5/1/1994

First results of the investigation of the corrosion behavior of steel in concrete after local repair measures are described. The examinations in this research project refer to construction practice where local damage due to reinforcement corrosion, e.g., spalls and cracks, is repaired in the area of visible surface damage only. When dealing with damage in this way, the carbonated or chloride contaminated concrete is often not removed completely, thus avoiding stability problems with the structure. Following such a repair measure, reinforcement areas consequently remain, in which there is no guarantee of sufficient corrosion protection and which, therefore, are subject to a higher corrosion risk. With the help of macrocell current measurements between different steel electrodes embedded in concrete, the study investigated circumstances and extent of corrosion problems before and after local repair measures. Further investigation dealt with the measures that have to be taken to guarantee corrosion protection after local repairs.