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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: How to Obtain High-Strength Concrete Using Low-Density Aggregate

Author(s): V. Novokshchenov and W. Whitcomb

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 121


Appears on pages(s): 683-700

Keywords: compressive strength; density (mass/volume); tensile strength; high-strength concretes; lightweight aggregate concretes; lightweight aggregates; modulus of elasticity; shrinkage; silica fume; siliceous aggregates; splitting tensile strength; thermal cond

DOI: 10.14359/2571

Date: 11/1/1990

Describes production and properties of lightweight concretes based on a recently developed expanded siliceous aggregate. With the unit weight below 20 lb/ft3, this aggregate is one of the lightest among aggregates obtained by processing natural materials, after expanded perlite and exfoliated vermiculite. It was expected that this aggregate would be most effective in manufacturing moderate strength concretes with the unit weight ranging from 50 to 85 lb/ft3 and compressive strengths below 2500 psi. Recent experiments show that, in addition to this traditional application, the expanded siliceous aggregate can also be used to manufacture structural and even high-strength concretes with compressive strengths 10,200 psi and greater.