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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A tribute to "Causes and Prevention of Crack Development in Plastic Concrete"

Author(s): C.A. Menzel

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 249


Appears on pages(s): 161-172


DOI: 10.14359/20129

Date: 3/1/2008


Due to copyright issues, this paper is only available by purchasing the SP-249.

Cracks often develop in the surface of fresh concrete soon after it has been placed or finished and while it is still in the plastic state. The development of such cracks, commonly referred to as plastic cracking, can be practically eliminated if appropriate measures to minimize the causes are taken at the right time. The development, location and extent of cracks in fresh concrete may be readily observed if they occur in the exposed top surface. However, cracks may also develop, though much less frequently, in the vertical surface of fresh concrete slabs in horizontal forms. Cracks in vertical surfaces are seldom due to drying shrinkage, which is the most frequent cause of top-surface cracks.