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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A tribute to "Expansion of Concrete through Reaction between Cement and Aggregate"

Author(s): Thomas E. Stanton

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 249


Appears on pages(s): 09-44


DOI: 10.14359/20122

Date: 3/1/2008


Due to copyright issues, this paper is only available by purchasing the SP-249.

Tests have demonstrated that excessive expansion of concrete may occur through chemical reactions between cements of relativley high alkali content and certain mineral constituents in some aggregates, such as certain types of shales, cherts, and impure limestones found along the coast of California between Monterey Bay on the north and Los Angeles County on the south. A new test procedure is described in this paper through which it is possible, in a comparatively short time, to develop the deleterious characteristics of cement-aggregate combinations similar to those reported in the California study. The procedure consists of curing the specimens in sealed containers at normal temperatures.