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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Characterization of Concrete Paving Mixtures with HIPERPAV

Author(s): J.M Ruiz, R.O. Rasmussen, and T.R. Ferragut

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 241


Appears on pages(s): 77-94

Keywords: calorimetry; concrete pavements; concrete paving; degree of hydration; HIPERPAV; setting time.

DOI: 10.14359/18652

Date: 4/1/2007

Concrete paving mixtures are subjected to varying climatic conditions during the hydration process. The temperature of the concrete is a function of the heat generated by the cement paste and climatic conditions as well as curing procedures applied during construction. Temperature development in the concrete is closely related to the development of concrete properties and also affects the generation of internal stresses in the pavement that if not properly controlled may result in cracking and other distresses. With the FHWA HIPERPAV software, it is possible to assess the impact on the performance of the pavement that different concrete materials will have by evaluating their heat of hydration properties (heat fingerprint) and their interaction with the environment. Characterization of concrete mixtures in terms of their heat of hydration allows for a more rational selection of materials as a function of the climatic conditions to which they are exposed. Selected concrete mixtures with this approach can thus provide more confidence in that they will perform satisfactorily under the site-specific conditions to which they are subjected effectively reducing potential excessive stresses in the pavement. In this paper, the system approach to characterize concrete paving mixtures and its effect under various climatic conditions is presented.