• The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Design and Construction of the Estacada Dam

Author(s): Hermann V. Schreiber

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 376-399

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/16164

Date: 3/1/1912

Located in the northwestern section of the country, where fuel costs are high, it is natural that the Portland electric companies should have early appreciated the abundant stream flow characteristic of the region, which results from the high precipitation on the western slopes of the Cascade Mountains and in the Willamette Valley and which was rendered available for their power purposes by the sucessful development of high tension electric transmission for the distances involved in delievering such hydo-electric power to their markets.