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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Preliminary Report of the Committee on Reinforced Concrete Bridges and Culverts

Author(s): ACI Committee on Reinforced Concrete Bridges and Culverts

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Appears on pages(s): 401-431

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/16005

Date: 2/1/1916

In submitting its preliminary report, your committee has considered its purpose to be: 1. To promote interest and discussion of the subject. 2. To promote better design and construction methods and to eliminate failure in concrete highway bridge work. All concrete bridge failures are due primarily to some one or a combination of three causes: 1. improper design; 2. poor materials; 3. bad workmanship To discuss these at all fully would require more time than is at the disposal of this committee. Moreover, investigations into concrete materials and methods of utilizing them are being made, not only by other committees of this Institute but by committees of other societies, for which reasons this committee has confined its report to a discussion of some of the problem relating to the design of concrete highway bridges. At some later date, doubtless, it will be advisable to supplement the reports on design with others bearing on materials and workmanship.