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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Hysteretic Behavior of Ferrocement-Retrofitted Clay Tile Walls

Author(s): Richard P. Clarke and Anil K. Sharma

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 101

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 387-394

Keywords: ferrocement; seismic; shearwalls

DOI: 10.14359/13098

Date: 5/1/2004

Masonry piers comprised of 100 mm hollow clay tile in the end-construction configuration and retrofitted with ferrocement coatings and base anchors were tested under in-plane lateral load. Such unreinforced masonry wall construction is typical for residential structures in the South Caribbean and parts of South America. Pseudostatic loading consisting of increasing reversed cyclic displacements was applied until failure. The hysteresis loops and loop envelopes for the specimens are presented as well as changes in loop envelope properties such as ultimate strength and ductility with control variables such as the number of mesh layers. Data on stiffness and strength degradation are also presented. The experimental response of each wall is described by a semi-empirical differential equation hysteresis model in terms of a number of parameters, and the identified parameters for each specimen are presented as well. In general, it was found that the ferrocement retrofitting substantially enhanced the walls’ energy absorption, ductility, and strength.