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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Strength of a Concrete Slab Prestressed in Two Directions

Author(s): A. C. Scordelis, K. S. Pister, and T. Y. Lin

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 53

Issue: 9

Appears on pages(s): 241-256

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/11512

Date: 9/1/1956

Elastic behavior and ultimate strength of a full size concrete slab prestressed in two directions were investigated. Prestressing was accomplished by means of unbonded post-tensioned cables. The slab was supported only at the four corners, simulating a lift flat slab. It was loaded uniformly by means of air pressure in plastic bags. Experimental deflections and strains were checked against the classical elastic theory. Observed ultimate strength was compared to that obtained by the crack-line theory as applied to prestressed slabs.