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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Load Test on Flat Slab Floor with Embedded Steel - Grillage Caps*

Author(s): Donald D. Meisel, Cryil D. Jensens, and Walter H. Wheelers

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 55

Issue: 7

Appears on pages(s): 123-132

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/11344

Date: 7/1/1958

Steel grillage caps embedded in concrete flat slab and attached to steel col-umns were used in the addition to Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories. Because this was the first appearance of such a design in Philadelphia, a full. scale load test was performed on the second floor of the new addition. Since the second floor was designed for movable load of 300 psf, the static test load was doubled to 600 psf. Bags of rock salt (1,500,OOO lb total) were spread over 2500 sq ft, and shifted to alternate locations. Stresses were de-termined by use of SR-4 strain gages fastened to the reinforcing steel and con-crete, and dial micrometers installed at critical points under the slab measured deflections.