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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Strength Relationships for Fly Ash Concrete

Author(s): Sandor Popovics

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 79

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 43-49

Keywords: admixtures; compressive strength; computer programs;fly ash; mix proportioning; optimization; water-cement ratio;concretes.

DOI: 10.14359/10878

Date: 1/1/1982

Formulas are presented for the relationship between composition and strength of concrete containing fly ash. Their extent of reliability is demonstrated by comparing the calculated values to empirical results taken from the literature. An optimization procedure based on differential calculus is also presented for the calculation of the most economical (optimum) fly ash content. Use of the formulas for prportioning fIy ash concrete is illustrated. Though they do not eliminate the necessity of trial mixes in pro-portioning, these formulas should reduce fhe needed number of trials. It is also believed that the promising results of their paper call for further experimental and analytical work in the directions indicated on the effects of fly ash addition on the properties of concrete.