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Showing 1-5 of 69 Abstracts search results
July 1, 2022
Charles Nmai, Chris Eagon, John Luciano
Symposium Papers
In the late 1980s, an innovative hydration-stabilizing admixture was introduced to help concrete producers effectively extend the working time of fresh concrete mixtures for challenging applications, particularly, in hot weather or long time-to-discharge applications. The hydration-stabilizing admixture also provided concrete producers with a means of managing returned concrete to address environmental issues associated with concrete waste. In recent years, admixtures that allow concrete producers to convert returned concrete into a very low-strength granular material that can be used for construction backfill, road base, or in other applications have been introduced. Together with the hydration-stabilizing admixture, concrete producers can now use chemical admixtures to significantly reduce concrete waste. In this paper, the operational and sustainability benefits of the hydration-stabilizing admixture and a new one-component engineered polymer admixture that facilitates the beneficial reuse of returned fresh concrete are presented and discussed.
March 1, 2020
Oscar R. Antommattei
During hot weather concreting, contractors have several options for dealing with slump loss and rapid drying of concrete surfaces. Limiting slump loss requires cooperation between the concrete producer and contractor, especially with respect to reducing truck waiting time. Several options for minimizing surface drying are compared, based on effectiveness and cost. Finally, providing for adequate initial curing of concrete test cylinders can reduce the possibility of schedule delays and increased costs related to low strength-test results.
July 1, 2019
Ashok Kakade
When preparing ready-mix concrete for private applications, it is typically recommended that owners and contractors collaborate with suppliers and concrete specialists to understand the possibilities and limitations of concrete in their applications. Here, we describe a situation in which a homeowner took direct control over the exact specifications of concrete and admixtures, and ultimately resulted in an unsatisfactory concrete slab. The owner subsequently sued and settled with the concrete supplier outside of the court, which raises important questions regarding who maintains responsibility for concrete mixtures, their installation, and the final slab results. Suggestions are provided to help mitigate this problem.
August 1, 2018
Henry B. Prenger
Concrete International
Extreme winter weather in Maryland in 1993 caused widespread sidewalk scaling. The damage prompted a long-term study of the causes of deterioration. Many of the problems witnessed are the result of premature finishing of extremely slow setting concrete in cold temperatures or using water as a finishing aid in hot temperatures.
November 1, 2016
Chongjiang Du
An arch-gravity roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dam on the Gomal River, Pakistan, was built from 2008 to 2012. Temperature control measures were required during construction to prevent thermal cracking of RCC in hot weather. The article provides detailed descriptions of these measures, specifically the precooling of aggregates and mixing water and post-cooling of the placed RCC.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.