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Home > Publications > International Concrete Abstracts Portal
Showing 1-5 of 9 Abstracts search results
March 17, 2017
Rolf Breitenbücher; Günther Meschke; Fanbing Song; Michael Hofmann; Yijian Zhan
Symposium Papers
To investigate the behaviour of precast tunnel lining segments subjected to concentrated loads on a small scale, laboratory tests on concrete prisms under partial-area loading in conjunction with numerical analyses were performed. Various parameters influencing the load-bearing and fracture behaviour of plain concrete (PC) and steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) under concentrated loads are considered, including fibre properties (dimension, aspect ratio, tensile strength), fibre dosage and orientation, area ratio and eccentricity of load. The effects of these parameters on the ultimate bearing capacity, stress-displacement behaviour, failure mode and crack characteristics are analysed and discussed. Parallel to the experimental investigations, numerical simulations using a continuum coupled damageplasticity model for triaxially loaded cementitious material were performed. It is shown that the numerical analysis is able to realistically capture the structural behaviour and the crack pattern of partially loaded PC and SFRC specimens.
January 1, 1972
S. Zundelevich and J. Benjamin
The theory of probability is used to solve the problem of forecasting the delfection of reinforced concrete beams. Nonhomogeneous Markov Processes are described. The development of a probabilistic method is presented in a manner which can be readily applied. In predicting deflections of reinforced concrete beams, a solution of empirical nature is used. The predictions show good agreement with labortary tests.
J. Ferry Borges and M. Castanheta
A statistical treatment of the problem of combination of different types of loadings involves a suitable definition of each of the loads to be combined. In the idealization adopted each load is assumed constant during given intervals of time, and variable from interval to interval according to an uncorrelated stochastic process. Further, variability from structure to structure and variability in time are assumed to be equivalent. . .The results obtained give a clear understanding on how to perform the combination of loads and on how to choose the load factors. . .
N.C. Lind and A.G. Davenport
The objective of the paper is to describe recent Canadian developments concerned with the theory and application of structural reliability approaches. . .Recent developments in the ocde application of probability based concepts are also described.
C. Allin Cornell
This paper presents a number of illustrations of the development of equations and numerical values of coefficients of variations for use in probability-based structural codes. . .Several different functional forms of equations are illustrated, and several different sources of uncertainty are included (material properties, member dimensions, and equation inaccuracies). The results provide characteristic values of these resistances. General conclusions are drawn as to the kinds of information which committees should report and as to what factors must be considered in the evaluation of coefficients of variation as mesaures of uncertainty. . .A two-phrase implementation of probability-based codes is recommended.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.