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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Stochastic Analysis of Load-Carrying Capacity and Deformational Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members under Direct and Indirect Loadings

Author(s): Gerd Thielen

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 55


Appears on pages(s): 461-480

Keywords: beams (supports); deformation; live loads; loads (forces); reinforced concrete; stochastic processes; structural analysis; ther-mal gradient

DOI: 10.14359/6624

Date: 8/1/1978

The random behavior of reinforced concrete elements at de-formational limit states and at the ultimate limit state is analyzed by a second moment approximation. The deterministic and stochastic parameters involved, their functional and stochastic dependences, and their experimentally based statistics are discussed. The resulting variances of ultimate carrying capacity and ductility and of crack development are shown. It should be noted that ultimate ductility has an especially strong statistical variation independent of the amount of compressive reinforcement. A two-span beam is analytically modeled to elaborate first order approximations of the means and variances of simultaneously acting live loads and temperature effects which cause different limit states. Imposed deformations do not greatly influence ultimate load-carrying capacity provided that there is sufficient ultimate ductility. However, load-carrying capacity with respect to a limit state of allowable crack width is substan-tially reduced by simultaneously acting imposed deformations.