Soundproofing of Concrete Masonry Units (CMU)
Jared Reed
Web Session
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The need for soundproofing performance for buildings (residential and commercial) has become a more relevant issue in the past year due to the increase of population, traffic and expanding industry. The scope of this report covers hollow loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units (CMU), in accordance with ASTM standards. The goal is to make CMU blocks soundproof by adding rockwool into the concrete mix. This is achieved by creating 3 new mix designs by volume and replace the fine aggregate with rockwool for each design as follows: 25% rockwool, 50% rockwool, and 75% rockwool. The new mix design is expected to increase the acoustic properties and hold similar strength to a standard CMU block. The first step determines which of the 3 different mix designs meets the ASTM strength requirements. The second step utilizes the results of step one to create a CMU block which meets ASTM strength requirements and has the highest rockwool content possible. The third step determines the soundproofing of the CMU block through testing using a decibel meter placed in the hollow portion of the block. This process is repeated with a standard CMU block to confirm whether the experimental block has increased acoustic properties or not. The final step compares the results of compression testing all experimental and standard CMU blocks to verify the strength and adherence to the ASTM code requirements for a loadbearing CMU block.