Effect of Fibers on the Flexural Behaviour of Beams Built with High-Strength Concrete and High-Strength Reinforcement
Bastami, R.; Li, Y.; Algassem, O.; Aoude, H.
Symposium Paper
Appears on pages(s):
High-strength concrete, High-strength reinforcement, Fibers, Steel fibers, Beams, Flexure
Recently there has been increased interest in the use of high-strength concrete (HSC) and
high-strength reinforcement (HSR) in structures. The high-performance properties of these
materials can allow for more efficient structural designs and reduced reinforcement congestion
which can improve constructability. On the other hand, both HSC and HSR show reduced strain
capacity when compared to more conventional materials, which can raise concerns about the
ductility of structures built with these materials. The provision of steel fibers is one solution to
reduce the brittleness of high-strength concrete. Similarly, the use of fiber-reinforced HSC may
be better suited for structures built with high-strength reinforcement due to the increased straincapacity
of fiber-reinforced concrete in compression. This paper presents the results of a study
examining the effect of steel fibers on the flexural behaviour of beams built with high-strength
concrete and high-strength reinforcement. As part of the study, a total of six high-strength
concrete beams, built with and without fibers, and reinforced with normal-strength (Grade 400
MPa) and high-strength (Grade 690 MPa) bars are tested under four-point bending. Test
parameters include the effect of concrete type (plain HSC vs. fiber-reinforced HSC),
reinforcement type (normal-strength vs. high-strength bars) behaviour. As expected, the use of
fibers improved the overall load-deformation response of HSC beams built with normalstrength
reinforcement. The improved toughness of fiber-reinforced HSC is also shown to be
better suited for beams built with high-strength reinforcement when compared to plain HSC,
resulting in improved ductility.